About the Blogger

jon_crop1I’m Jon Becker, a geographic information systems (GIS) and environmental data analyst for the US EPA in Atlanta, GA. A proud native Texan, I now live in Decatur, GA with my wife, our two sons (ages 1 and 4) and our golden retriever. When I’m not kid-wrangling, I like to play tennis, practice guitar (I’m pretty bad), take photos, munch on nachos while I watch Texas Longhorn or Dallas Cowboys football, or occasionally write something. That’s why I decided to start this blog; to have a place to publish my mind-droppings. Part of me thinks the last thing the world needs is another person babbling on about their views on things, but another part of me sees it as a legitimate form of self-expression. Sometimes it’s good to get something off your chest. I hope you enjoy it, but if not, well, the name Free Thoughts says it well–you get what you pay for.

3 Responses to “About the Blogger”

  1. Jon, I’m digging your new site! And thanks for the link to my blog.

    One question, though: Are you sure Detention Center Court and Pork to the Future are SHORT stories? They’re awfully long to be short stories! But you know I’m just ribbing ya. I think you’re an extremely talented writer and will read whatever you write, no matter how long. I was surprised that the tennis story was a little darker than your usual stuff, but then, that’s what makes you such a great writer–because you’re versatile and full of surprises. Can’t wait to read more!

  2. Jon, where are the hits on your blog at these days? Don’t worry, my daily hits are still mostly in the single digits, so my dream of tromping your 400-plus hits in one day is so far still a pipe dream. And now you’ve gone and written about something as popular as the Texas Longhorns, so I could soon have an even bigger goal to strive for. UCLF, Jill

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